About This Blog: Letter to My Audience

You have happened upon a blog designated to the communication of my interpretations about the topic of Communication. I do not know if you are a student or a professional in the topic of communication or if you have stumbled upon my blog by chance and happen to like what you are reading. Either way, I thank you.

I am Jonathan Connaughty. I am 31 years old, a husband, father, and employee.  I am also a student at Ashford University where I have dedicated the last thirteen months of my life to the study and application of Communications.

Communication is a broad topic. Because of this, each blog post will be direct and informative, so that you (the audience) will be able to gleam from each post the information I present with some of my own analysis where appropriate, and research to backup my arguments. 

There are a few guidelines I will be following and hope that inside your comments you will be able to follow them as well. First of all I will always be honest. If there is something I do not understand completely I will tell you, but I ask that you are honest with me in your comments; do not hold back. Second I will keep this blog as professional as possible while injecting my well reasoned interpretations. We all interpret information differently, so when you have a comment about my work, keep it professional as well. Third and diffidently most important, I will have fun. Fun is not the opposite of professional and for that reason it will be inside my posts. 

I am eager to communicate with you about communication and hope that my interpretations on the topic bring more light to the subject for you.

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