News Release:

Mayor Resigns to Take Care of Wife: City council dealing with more inner turmoil Jonathan Connaughty             Peoria Mayor Tom ... [Read More]

Writing for the Media: An Example

 Three New Saints:  Number of Role Models Continue to Grow Blessed Guido Maria Conforti             October 23, 2011, Pope Benedic... [Read More]

Conflict: Necessary for Growth

          Conflict; what a word. Just the simple mention of it brings to mind images of battle, arguments, and situations where feeling... [Read More]

Virtual Worlds and Communication

Virtual worlds have become a large part of the digital age. With worlds like Linden Lab’s Second Life have created environments where ... [Read More]

Why are graphics important to layout design?

Graphics are important to layout design because with one simple picture, say a car, an entire idea can be portrayed and a tone can be se... [Read More]

Presenting Ideas with New Technology

In today’s world there are plenty of venues available to get messages out to the people. Cell phones, tablet computers, and the int... [Read More]